International Business Fundamentals - 12-Grade: 12

Course Description

This course provides an overview of the importance of international business and trade in the global economy and explores the factors that influence success in international markets. Students will learn about the techniques and strategies associated with marketing, distribution, and managing international business effectively. This course prepares students for postsecondary programs in business, including international business, marketing, and management.


International Business Fundamentals

Course code:BBB4M

Grade: 12


Type: University / College Preparation

Language of Study: English

Prerequisites: None

Unit Titles and Descriptions

Time Allocated

Unit One: Business, Trade, and the Economy

This unit explores the impact of international business on people and businesses in Canada and the economic interdependence of nations. Students analyze barriers to trade and investigate Canadian trading partners. Furthermore, students choose a country on which to base many of their assignments throughout the course.

27 hours

Unit Two: The Global Environment for Business

This unit investigates the impact of globalization on Canadian businesses. Students examine and analyse the factors which influence a country’s ability to participate in international business, as well as the advantages of doing business in Canada. Students investigate case studies of domestic and multinational companies.

27 hours

Unit Three: International Markets

This unit explores the cultural factors that influence international markets and investigates how political, economic and geographic factors which affect international business operations. Students will develop an understanding of product modifications and standardization common and international markets.

27 hours

Unit Four: Marketing Challenges

This unit explores the cultural factors that influence international markets and investigates how political, economic and geographic factors which affect international business operations. Students will develop an understanding of product modifications and standardization common in international markets.

27 hours

Final Assessment

Final Exam

This course includes a two-hour proctored exam consisting of sixty multiple-choice questions and ten long answer questions. The final exam is worth 30% of the final grade.

2 hours
Total110 hours